Be Renewed

Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.

Finding Your Purpose – What You Were Created For

Finding Your Purpose

Have you ever wondered why you are here?
What is the reason for your existence?
Rest assured, you are not alone in seeking these answers.
Finding your purpose is not as hard as you may think.
In this blog post, I’m excited to share a personal story that transformed my life and ignited my passion for helping others uncover their God-given purpose.

The Journey of Discovery
Years ago, I found myself at a crossroads, feeling uncertain about the direction my life was heading.
Despite achieving many milestones, such as leaving a toxic relationship, getting married, buying a house, having kids, and becoming successful in my career.
I still had an underlying emptiness nagging at my heart.

One day, everything changed. A podcast featuring the late Dr. Charles Stanley spoke about surrendering life to God, and I felt a fire ignite within me.
From that moment, I embarked on a journey of learning, growth, and deepening my relationship with God.
Through this journey, I discovered the profound significance of our identity in Christ and the power of embracing our God-given gifts.
I left my career behind to become a homemaker and focus on my family, trusting that God’s will would guide me.
Since then, my life has been a journey of faith, discovery, and purpose.

My passion and calling have become crystal clear—to help others uncover their God-given purpose and step into the extraordinary life uniquely designed for them.

Six Powerful Tips for Finding Your Purpose


  • God’s Promise of Unique Design

Start your purpose journey by diving into the life-given manual—the Bible.
The Bible is full of life principles and guidance on finding your purpose. God, our Creator, created you for a reason and not by mistake.
When He created you, He indwelled something in you to give you a purpose.
In Jeremiah 29:11, God promises plans for prosperity and hope.
This verse reassures us that God has a specific plan for each one of us—a plan filled with hope and purpose.
Each of us has a specific purpose and design, carefully crafted by our Creator.

  • Embracing Your Identity in Christ

Understand that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image.
Recognize that you bear God’s likeness and reflect His character.
Don’t settle for a life that does not reflect God’s character.
You do not shame the name of God because He truly cares about His reputation.
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, learn that you are a new creation in Christ.
Knowing we are new creations in Christ allows us to approach our purpose with a transformed perspective.

  • Recognizing God’s Call on Your Life

Be still and listen for God’s guidance.
In the busyness of this life, you need to take some time to be still to hear from God.
Isaiah 30:21 assures us that God’s voice will guide us in the right direction.
Sometimes, God’s calling may not be loud or obvious.
It could be a gentle whisper, a tugging at our hearts, or even circumstances leading us in a specific direction.
Seek His leading in your purpose journey.

  • Embracing Your God-Given Gifts

Discover your spiritual gifts, as outlined in Romans 12:6-8.
Reflect on your passions and strengths, seek feedback from others, serve using your gifts, and pray for guidance to learn about your gift.
Your gifts are integral to your purpose.

  • Trusting in God’s Perfect Timing

Patience is key as you wait for God’s timing.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us that everything happens at its appointed time.
You must be patient because everything happens when God says to.
Your journey is not linear, but every step is part of the larger plan.
There are numerous examples in the Bible of individuals who faced delays but fulfilled their purpose at the perfect time according to God’s plan.

One such example can be found in the life of Joseph.

Joseph was a young man with big dreams and a promising future.
However, his journey to fulfilling his purpose was filled with hardships.
He was sold into slavery by his own brothers, unjustly imprisoned, and faced numerous trials.
Despite these setbacks, Joseph remained faithful and held on to his trust in God.
In God’s perfect timing, Joseph was elevated to a position of power in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.
He used his God-given gift of interpreting dreams to help save Egypt and neighboring lands from a severe famine.
Eventually, Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt seeking food, and in a divine twist of fate, he was able to extend forgiveness and reconcile with them.

Another example is seen in the life of David.

Before David became the renowned king of Israel, he spent years in preparation and waiting.
Despite being anointed as king by the prophet Samuel, he faced opposition and had to flee from King Saul, who sought to kill him.
During this time, David learned to trust in God’s plan and His timing.
When the time was right, David ascended to the throne, ruling with wisdom and faithfulness.
His reign was marked by victories and establishing Israel as a strong and prosperous nation.
Through David’s lineage, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was eventually born, fulfilling God’s ultimate plan of redemption.

  • Stepping into Your Purpose with Faith

Step out in faith, even in the face of fear and doubt.
Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as confidence in what we hope for and assurance in what we do not see.
When we are on the verge of embracing our purpose, fear and doubt can often appear.
And they seem to be bigger when we are stepping into our life’s purpose.
The unknown can be troublesome, and we may question our abilities and worthiness.
However, in these moments of fear and worry, we can find strength in knowing that God’s plan for our lives is far grander than we could ever imagine.
Your purpose journey requires bold steps and unwavering trust.
Leaving my career was truly a big step of faith for me because I did not know what I was going to do for income, to support my husband, and to take care of my family.
It was scary, but I had to do it as part of my journey, and I trusted that God would lead me and take me where He wanted me to go.

Biblical References:
Throughout the Bible, we see countless individuals who displayed extraordinary faith, even when the circumstances seemed insurmountable.
Noah built an ark in obedience to God’s command, even though the world had never seen rain.
Abraham left his homeland, trusting God’s promise to make him the father of many nations.
Moses led the Israelites through the desert, relying on God’s guidance despite the challenges they faced.
When we embrace God’s purpose for our lives with faith, we are not limited by our abilities or circumstances.

Unveiling your God-given purpose is a transformative journey rooted in faith, identity, and discovery.
Remember that God’s promise of unique design, your identity in Christ, recognizing His call, embracing your gifts, trusting His timing, and stepping out in faith are essential components of this journey.
As you navigate the path of purpose, remember that you are not alone.
In moments of doubt, let us remember the words of Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” says The Lord.
Each step you take, guided by faith, brings you closer to the fulfillment of your purpose—a purpose that impacts not only your life but also the lives of those around you.
So, take heart, step into your purpose with confidence, and may your journey be marked by faith, growth, and the unending love of your Heavenly Father.
Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and your purpose is waiting to be unveiled.
Thank you for reading, and if you found this post inspiring, consider sharing it with others who are also on the journey of discovering their God-given purpose.
Until next time, take care, and may your path be illuminated by the light of purpose and faith.

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